Pengaruh attachment terhadap self-esteem pada dewasa muda yang pernah diselingkuhi = The effects of attachment to self-esteem in young adults who have been through an affair by their partner
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Universitas Pelita Harapan
Hasian, Breninda Junita
BF Psychology 
2020-04-20 04:52:14 
Abstract :
Individu dewasa muda sedang menjalani tahap perkembangan intimacy vs isolation, dimana mereka membutuhkan suatu hubungan berkomitmen sebagai sarana untuk belajar membangun komitmen pernikahan. Tetapi hal tersebut akan sulit terjadi bisa adanya perselingkuhan dalam hubungan. Hal tersebut cenderung menurunkan tingkat self-esteem individu. Namun attachment behavioral system dan earned secure attachment menjadi peluang bagi individu untuk memeroleh secure attachment yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan self-esteem individu pasca diselingkuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya pengaruh attachment terhadap self-esteem pada dewasa muda yang pernah diselingkuhi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 113 partisipan yang memiliki karakteristik usia 20-40 tahun, pernah diselingkuhi sewaktu berpacaran, dan sudah memiliki pasangan baru dengan status berpacaran maupun menikah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur The Experienced in Close Relationship Revised (ECR-R) untuk mengukur attachment dan Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) untuk mengukur self-esteem. Dalam pengolahan data menggunakan uji regresi berganda untuk melakukan analisa pengaruh. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa attachment memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap self-esteem pada dewasa muda yang pernah diselingkuhi (B=36.495, R2=.288, p= .000), dengan dimensi attachment-related anxiety yang lebih memberikan pengaruh dibandingkan dimensi attachment-related avoidance. Selain itu, hasil analisa korelasi dan uji beda antara data demografis yang berkaitan dengan kedua variabel juga dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini/Young adult individuals are undergoing a stage of development of intimacy vs. isolation, where they need a committed relationship as a part of learning to build marriage commitments. But it will be difficult to happen can if there’s an affair in a relationship. This tends to reduce the level of self-esteem. However, behavioral system attachment and earned secure attachment are opportunities for individuals to obtain secure attachments that can be used to increase self-esteem after being cheated. This study aims to see whether or not the effect of attachment on self-esteem in young adults who have been cheated. This research was conducted on 113 participants who have the characteristics of the age of 20-40 years, had cheated when dating, and already have a new partner with dating or married status. The research method used is a quantitative method using the Experienced in Close Relationship Revised (ECR-R) measurement tool to measure attachments and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) to measure self-esteem. In processing data using test multiple regression to analyze the effect. The results showed that attachment had a significant effect on self-esteem in young adults who had been cheated (B = 36,495, R2 = .288, p = .000), with attachment-related anxiety dimensions that had more influence than attachment-related dimensions avoidance. In addition, the results of correlation analysis and different test between demographic data relating to the two variables are also explained in this study 
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Universitas Pelita Harapan