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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Neng Rizki Fitriyani, -
PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 
2023-09-03 20:34:45 
Abstract :
Penelitian yang berjudul ?Kilir Lidah dan Senyapan dalam Talkshow ?Metal? di YouTube? dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya penutur mengalami kilir lidah dan senyapan yang ditayangkan dalam berbagai media elektronik dan dapat memengaruhi kinerja seseorang, salah satunya talkshow yang ditayangkan di YouTube. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan bentuk-bentuk kilir lidah dan senyapan beserta penyebab-penyebabnya dalam tayangan talkshow ?Metal? yang diunggah di kanal YouTube WAW Entertainment. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori psikolinguistik. Data berupa tuturan pembawa acara dan pembicara tamu yang mengandung kilir lidah dan senyapan yang bersumber dari tayangan talkshow ?Metal? di kanal YouTube WAW Entertainment. Data dianalisis secara deksriptif menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa simak dan catat. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu ditemukan adanya tujuh jenis kilir lidah (seleksi semantik, seleksi malapropisme, campur kata, asembling antisipasi, asembling perseverasi, asembling transposisi, dan kilir lidah berdampingan) dan dua jenis senyapan berupa senyapan diam dan senyapan terisi (terisi bunyi, terisi kata, terisi frasa, terisi pengulangan kata, terisi pengulangan frasa, terisi pemanjangan bunyi, dan terisi kombinasi). Ditemukan penyebab-penyebab kilir lidah yaitu karena penutur tergesa-gesa, merasa gugup, merasa malu, berujar secara tiba-tiba atau spontan, tidak konsentrasi, humor, dan agar terlihat intelektual. Penyebab-penyebab senyapan yaitu karena penutur menghela napas, berhati-hati dalam bertutur, lupa dengan kata yang hendak dituturkan, koreksi dari penutur, merasa ragu, tuturannya dipotong oleh mitra tutur, hendak memotong tuturan mitra tutur, mencari diksi yang tepat, permulaan yang salah, dan penekanan pada kata tertentu. Kata kunci: kilir lidah, senyapan, talkshow The research entitled "Slips of Tongue and Silences in "Metal" Talkshow on YouTube" is motivated by the prevalence of speakers experiencing tongue twisters and silences that are aired in various electronic media and can affect one's performance, one of which is a talk show aired on YouTube. This study aims to find the forms of tslips of tongue and muttering and their causes in the talk show "Metal" uploaded on WAW Entertainment's YouTube channel. The theory used is psycholinguistic theory. The data are in the form of the host's and guest speaker's utterances containing tongue twisters and silences sourced from the talk show "Metal" on WAW Entertainment's YouTube channel. The data were analyzed descriptively using a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of listening and recording. The results obtained from this study are seven types of slips of tongue (semantic selection, malapropism selection, word mixing, anticipation twisters, perseveration twisters, transposition twisters, and side-by-side tongue twisters) and two types of silences in the form of silent silence and filled silence (filled sound, filled word, filled phrase, filled word repetition, filled phrase repetition, filled sound lengthening, and filled combination). It was found that the causes of slips of tongue were because the speaker was in a hurry, felt nervous, felt embarrassed, said suddenly or spontaneously, not concentrating, humor, and to look intellectual. The causes of silences are because the speaker sighs, is careful in speaking, forgets the word to be spoken, correction from the speaker, feels hesitant, his speech is cut by the speech partner, wants to cut the speech partner's speech, looking for the right diction, the wrong start, and emphasis on certain words. Keyword: slip of tongue, silence, talkshow 
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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia