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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Kusumayanthi, Susie
L Education (General) 
2014-06-27 02:08:22 
Abstract :
This thesis reports on language learning strategies to develop speaking skill employed by university students. The students were categorized into high, middle, and low achiever students based on their English speaking proficiency. This thesis also reports on the reasons why these students employed the strategies. The study focuses on the above topics because the research concerning language learning strategies to develop speaking skill still receives a little attention in Indonesian EFL context. The employment of language learning strategies seems necessary for the language learners because speaking the new language often causes the greatest anxiety among other language skills (Oxford, 1996: 164). The students involved in this study were six university students who were studying at the eighth semester in a university in Bandung. They were taking a three-month English for Job Seekers Program supported by the university. In selecting the participants, this study made use of purposeful sampling to gain the important information from the participants (Alwasilah, 2002: 146). The instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires were Background Questionnaire and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Version7.0 developed by Oxford (1990); and the interview was open-ended questions interview. There were six language learning strategies in this study, namely: memory, cognitive, compensation, meta-cognitive, affective, and social strategies (Oxford, 1990). The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using Likkert scale; while the data from the interviews were analyzed using Kvale?s approach. The study then reveals several findings: (1) regarding the language learning strategies employed by the high, middle, and low achiever students in developing their speaking skills, the study figured out that the high and the low achiever students tended to employ meta-cognitive strategies the most for developing their speaking skills; while, the middle achiever students tended to employ affective strategies the most. The study also revealed interesting finding in which the high achiever students were using the widest variety of appropriate LLS. This might be one of the explanations why the high achiever students? speaking skills were better than those of the middle and low achievers; (2) concerning the reasons why they employed certain strategies; the participants revealed that they employed certain strategies to effectively increase their ability in speaking. The reasons that were pointed out by the participants might indicate that they employed the language learning strategies consciously to assist their progress in developing English language skills, particularly speaking skills. As suggested by some researchers, among others Oxford (1996) and Wenden (1990), the conscious use of language learning strategies makes good language learners. It means that all of the participants in this study could be categorized as good language learners. The study also revealed that all of the participants have demonstrated their efforts to be able to speak English fluently by, among others, employing several strategies such as memory strategies, social strategies, compensation strategies as well as cognitive strategies. The employment of those strategies were in line with Harmer?s (2002: 269-271) theory concerning success in speaking fluently. Finally, based on the findings from the study, which may not be generalized to other settings, it is suggested that the language learning strategies be gradually but intensively introduced and implemented in developing English speaking skills. 
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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia