Abstract :
Deaf children are the children who have the hearing difficulty from mild to hard hearing loss. It is classified into deafness and lack of hearing. So that, the impact is in information process that uses language even when the children are using hearing aids still need special education. There are three deaf children that have been an object of this study. This study aims (1) To know about the structures of sentences that are written by the deaf student at SLB Negeri 3 Gending. (2) To analyze the the tree diagram analysis to the sentences. This study uses the qualitative descriptive methods as a research approach because the data is in description. The data that have been taken is sentence by the deaf student in SLB Negeri Gending. Then, to collect the data, it used observation method followed by recording, and writing test technique. Then the data analyzed by using tree diagram method. This research uses theory from Jim Miller 2002 that is Introduction to English Syntax, and O?Grady William that is 1996 Contemporary Linguistic (An Introduction). The analysis and finding of the study are deaf students can arrange the phrase and sentence pattern with a good sentence structured. Deaf students are easier to make sentence pattern than phrase pattern. Deaf students prefer to arrange SPK sentence pattern than another sentence pattern. From the three deaf students, it is known that; student I, she is easier to make SPK sentence pattern and simplex sentence than phrase pattern. Student still have difficulty to arrange the sentence that followed by affix. Student II, he is easier to arrange SPK sentence pattern. Student understands the sentence that followed by affix, but he cannot understand the sentence that followed by conjunction. Student III, she is easier to arrange the sentence with SPK sentence pattern. The sentence that is arranged still reverse, but she can understand the sentence that followed by affix. She cannot understand the sentence that is followed by conjunction The result of the analysis, it can be concluded that deaf student are easier to make subjek, predikat, and keterangan sentence pattern. The phrase that is arranged by the deaf students are NP, VP, PP, Adj.P. From the analysis of tree diagram, student undertstand the word classes and can determine noun, verb, preposition, adverb and adjective. Although, from the three students, it is known that two student has difficulty in arranging sentence that followed by conjuction. So, the sentence that they made unstructured. From the three student, they arranges the sentence structured. The sentences are achieved by the student are KSP, SPK, KPS, SP, SPO, SPOK, PSK, SOPK, SOP, and PKS sentence pattern. While the phrase patterns are achieved are NP, PP, VP, Adj.P.