Universitas Panca Marga
Fakultas Sastra dan Filsafat
2020-06-29 03:37:29
Abstract :
This research analysis a Discourse of Gay Sexuality in Negeri Van Oranje Movie Directed By Endri Pelita Dharma Kesuma. The discourse of sexuality in this film relate to actor Garry is a gay homosexuality that has only been reveal almost at the end of the story. The relevance between theory and the topic of discourse in this film uses Foucault's discourse theory. Discourse is formed by knowledge, and it influences power and involves sexuality which is be governed by power. This research use the theory Critical Discourse Analysis by Van Dijk, Fairclough, Wodak and sex and power by Michel Foucault. Where the relevance between objects and theory is the language that becomes important in the development of civilization, because humanism for their to find them element of their own world freely. A place that they consider strong enough to becomes a foundation when freedom which is had they other worldly elements from the confines and control them. Human believe in the existence of concepts and names of objects as they believes in various essential truths. They feel something the gay as the animals feel. This is what makes objects and theories very relevant, for example language as a discourse formed by human knowledge. The result of the research shows that, Garry is a gay homosexuality person who has a friendly, kind, care and caring attitude towards his heterosexual friends before everyone knows that Garry has a sexuality disorder. After being shown by discourses that are conveyed both in the form of images, as well as oral discourses in their roles. This also supports the discourse of feedback from other actors that gay is Garry's life choice. However it opposes what has been set in his country. That gay is something that is illegal and the enactment of the law regarding this sexual deviation.