Abstract :
This research was conducted in order to improve students’ vocabular y
mastery at fifth grade of SDN 016 Rambah Samo through Cartoon movie. This
research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted to solve
the students’ problem in Vocabulary Mastery. The Classroom Action Research
(CAR) was done based on Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s design. This research did
two cycles, in every cycle consist of plan, action, observation and reflection.
The data were gathered trough qualitative and quantitative data. The
qualitative data analyzing by fieldnote, observation, and interview. In order to
analyze qualitative data the researcher applied offer by Creswell in Kodish and
Gittelsohn. Then quantitative data were obtained from students test score.
The finding of this research indicated that the implementation of cartoon
movie was successful since there is an improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
The finding showed an improvement in students vocabulary mastery from the
average of vocabulary mastery in cycle 1 was 54,24% to 72,24 in cycle 2. Based
on the finding mentioned, the researcher suggests that English teacher could
implement cartoon movie media in teaching vocabulary mastery in order to
improving students in learning English Vocabulary mastery.