Abstract :
Farmers groups are an example of a government program to apply agriculture sustainably. Farmer groups can indirectly be used asa an effort to increase farm productivity through simultaneous farm management. This study aims to determine the level of income of oil palm farmers in Tingkok Village and determine the role of the prosperous standby oil palm farmer groups in Tingkok Village, while the data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is the Income Analysis and Likert Scale, the sampling technique uses the simple random sampling method. The results showed: 1.) The average level of income of oil palm farmers in Tingkok Village is Rp. 4,237,953 / month. 2.) The role of the prosperous standby palm oil farmer groups in Tingkok Village is seen from three indicators, namely as a vehicle for learning, a vehicle for cooperation, and a production unit. The role of the prosperous standby palm oil farmer groups in Tingkok Village is quite a role