Abstract :
Ekoyono, Rohmah Desi. 2019. 1615500053:”Analaysis of Figurative Laguage Used in English Slogan of Commercial Beverage Products.” Research Project. Strata I Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal, The First Advisor is Dr. Taufiqulloh, M. Hum and The Second Advisor is Drs. H. Masfuad ES, M.Pd.
Keywords: English Slogan, Commercial Beverage Product, Figurative Language, Contextual Meaning.
Slogan is a short, memorable catch phrase used to identify a product or company in advertisement. A slogan must be concise and shorter to be effective, so it makes the consumer remember the slogan and not confused or will give them much time to understand the meaning of the brand. The objective of this research is to identify the types of figurative language and analyze the contextual meaning of figurative language used in English slogan of commercial beverage products.
This study used descriptive qualitative research method to analyze the data. Qualitative research is a research that collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. This research used qualitative data. Qualitative data is data in the form of words, not numbers form. Qualitative data obtained through various types of data collection techniques such as interviews, document analysis, focused on discussion, or observations which have been stated in the field notes (transcripts). Another form of qualitative data is images obtained through shooting or video recording.The data of this research was written document that was shown in English slogans. There were 30 slogans analyzed by the researcher.
Based on the research, the writer found the result of this research includes that 1) The writer used 30 kinds of English slogan as the object of this research; all of the slogans come from commercial beverage product. 2) From 30 kinds of slogans, the writer found five slogans using metaphor as a figurative languagee. 3) There are five slogans using simile as a figurative language. 4) There are six slogans used hyperbole as a figurative language. 5) Six slogans used personification, two slogans used litotes, and one slogan used synecdoche. 6) the most figurative language contained in the English slogan were simile and hyperbole.
The producer or the advertiser must be careful in making a slogan and advertisements because in some cases the slogans which used in the packaging of product can be clear or unclear for the consumers and careful to choosing words to make slogans because consumers can give a different perception