Home Industry Development Strategy Mackerel Fish Crackers At UD. AYUDIRA Village Talango Talango District of Sumenep
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Universitas Wiraraja
Harsono, Hendro
630 Agriculture 
2022-12-20 02:56:17 
Abstract :
Crackers mackerel is one of mackerel processed fish products which are consumed by the public. Subdistrict Talango as local religious tourism (Travel "Asta Yusuf and Ponjuk") has the potential of fishery abundant natural resources, it is very suitable for developing a home business industry to be cracker mackerel mackerel fish cracker products can be known until the exit Sumenep. During these businesses in the area do not determine the right strategy for developing home industry, so it is not known the extent to which the business is growing rapidly. The purpose of this study to determine the development strategy of mackerel fish chip home industry at UD. AYUDIRA KecamatanTalango Sumenep. Location research done intentionally (purposive) in UD. AYUDIRA, District Talango, Sumenep consideration because the company is one of the companies producing fish crackers, mackerel and became one of the built development of SMEs in Sumenep regency. Methods of data analysis used in this research is SWOT analysis. Matrix Analysis SWOT (Strenghts-Weaknesses-opprtunities-Threats), also known as a TOWS analysis is used in preparing the strategic factors of the company. The results of the analysis conducted at UD. AYUDIRA Talango Village District of Talango result that the home industry development strategy analysis crackers mackerel of the SWOT analysis is known that the home business industry crackers mackerel in the Village District of Talango Talango internal environmental factors of the most prominent force that product quality is assured with a score of 107.68. While the external environmental factors of highest skoryang opportunities that their customers stay with a score of 100. Therefore, the product quality is assured UD. AYUDIRA have the opportunity to produce more in crackers mackerel of opportunity very good market opportunities with their regulars. From the results of SWOT analysis conducted at UD. AYUDIRA indicate that the home industry mackerel fish crackers Village Talango Talango District of Sumenep is in quadrant III, Competitive Strategy, which the company must create a force with quality assured products to address the threat that is owned by the company. Keywords: development strategy, SWOT, mackerel fish 
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Universitas Wiraraja