Abstract :
Ground water irrigation network so that it can be used in accordance
with its function, it is necessary for the effective management of irrigation
networks and efficient. Management of irrigation networks will affect the
water supply system in the rice fields and the level of service received by
farmers for irrigation. To calculate the water discharge issued by the machine
pumps in accordance with conditions on the ground by using methods
meetdrempel. As for calculating the irrigation water needs using Penman
The methods used in compiling this thesis consists of data collection
methods, interviews, analysis and calculation methods, methods of
presentation of the report, and report construction stage. Steps in the
calculation of irrigation water requirements, among others: Calculation of ten
daily rainfall (R10), the calculation of rainfall mainstay (R80), the calculation
of effective rainfall (Re), perhitngan evapotranspiration (Eto), the calculation
of consumptive use (Etc). While the capacity of the pump can be searched by
formula meetdrempel.
Water irrigation on the farm village of East Banaresep is 5.42592
million liter/day, while the availability of water out of the pump engine is
6825.6 m3 / day.
Keywords: Ground water irrigation system, irrigation water demand and
water availability