Abstract :
Modernization is a form of social change directed based on a plan that is usually
called social plaining. The concept of modernization of tax administration In prinsinya is
a change in the tax administration sisitem can change thought patterns and behavior of
officials as well as the values of the organization so that it can make derektorat General
of Taxation (DGT) the institution into a professional with a good image in the
community. Goals to be achieved in this study to determine the effect of modernizing the
system of tax administration on tax compliance.
This study uses a quantitative method of data collection techniques used in this
study are to: Questionnaires and interviews. The data used are corporate taxpayers in
Sumenep city districts. Data were analyzed using SPSS 2.0.
Based on the results of the research can be concluded modernisasis system
administration perpajak influence on tax compliance influential body in Sumenep
regency. Thus the presence modernisasis berpajakan administrative system has a positive
effect on tax revenue,especially in Sumenep regency.
Keywords: Pelayawan Implementation, Organizational Strategy And Organizational