The Formal Elements and Religious Contents in Three Selected Children's Books written by Matthew Paul Turner: A New Critical Analysis
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Universitas Andalas
Suheltia, Suheltia
PR English literature 
2022-03-04 05:03:46 
Abstract :
This research analyzes religious contents in the three selected children's books by Matthew Paul Turner. This research aims to reveal the religious contents implied in the three works and find out an organic unity of the books. This research applies the New Criticism approach by John Crowe Ransom, which focuses on analyzing formal elements and finding organic unity in the works. To support this research, I use the qualitative method, library research, and close reading method. As a result, this research shows God kindness in all sides of life. Therefore, the analysis consists of some religious values such as how to be grateful for God kindness, responsible towards nature and respect others. Through the analysis of the intrinsic elements, I also found that all creatures, especially human cannot be separated from God kindness in their daily life. Keywords: formal element, religiosity, New Criticism, organic unity. 
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Universitas Andalas