Hubungan Sense of Coherence dengan Stres Akademik pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Profesi Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas
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Universitas Andalas
Nike, Anggelin Putri
BF Psychology 
2022-02-04 08:51:25 
Abstract :
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between sense of coherence and academic stress in students of the Medical Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. The sampling technique in this study used a probability sampling technique with the type of simple random sampling. The sample in this study were 257 students of the Medical Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. The research data collection used the adaptation of the Student-life Stress Inventory and the adaptation of the SOC-13 scale. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant negative relationship between sense of coherence and academic stress in students of the Medical Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. It can be seen from the correlation results of -0,695 with significancy score (p) which is equal to 0,000. In addition, the results of additional research indicate that there is a significant difference in the mean of academic stress among students of the Medical Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University as seen from the difference in gender, thats means in woman higher than in mean in male with significance value of 0,030. 
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Universitas Andalas