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Universitas Andalas
orin, putri nelson
K Law (General) 
2022-02-11 04:05:48 
Abstract :
ABSTRAK Pewarisan mengatur tentang berpindahnya harta kekayaan dari pewaris kepada ahli waris, pewarisan mempunyai unsur yakni adanya pewaris, harta warisan, dan ahli waris.Pewaris adalah orang yang mewariskan harta warisan, ahli waris adalah orang yang menerima harta warisan.Harta waris dapat berbentuk benda bergerak, dan benda tetap. Dalam pewarisan ini terdapat benda bergerak yaitu tabungan, deposito, maupun benda lain yang disimpan pada SDB Bank. Apabila pewaris meninggal dunia maka ahli waris membutuhkan kepastian akan proses pewarisan, dan perlindungan hukum pada ahli waris. Pencairan dana/simpanan nasabah yang meninggal dunia kepada ahli waris yang sah harus berdasarkan prinsip kehati-hatian karena ini merupakan hal yang sangat beresiko apabila tidak hati-hati dalam menjalankan prosesnya. Mencairkan dana tersebut kepada ahli waris yang sah harus sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Sehingga penelitian ini mengangkat masalah: 1) Bagaimana prosedur pewarisan terhadap harta pewaris yang disimpan di Bank Kota Padang? 2) Bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap ahli waris atas harta nasabah yang disimpan di Bank Kota Padang? Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris.Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder.Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah 1) Bahwa untuk mendapatkan kepastian hukum terhadap harta pewaris di Bank, maka sangat dibutuhkan surat keterangan kematian dan surat keterangan waris (SKW), dan dilengkapi dengan surat kuasa dari salah satu ahli waris yang ditetapkan, serta dokumen-dokumen pelengkap yang dibutuhkan oleh Bank. 2) Setiap ahli waris berhak atas warisan dari pewaris hal ini sudah dijelaskan dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan perbankan, dimana ahli waris yang sah berhak memperoleh keterangan mengenai simpanan nasabah penyimpan, dengan adanya penetapan dari pengadilan maka semua hak ahli waris terhadap harta pewaris yang disimpan di Bank sudah terlindungi. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Ahli Waris, Harta Warisan, Bank, Nasabah LEGAL PROTECTION AGAINST HERITIES ON THE PROPERTY OF THE HEAVENLY STORED IN THE PADANG CITY BANK. (Orin Putri Nelson, 1920123007, Notary Masters Study Program, Faculty of Law, Andalas University, 2021) ABSTRACT Inheritance regulates the transfer of assets from heirs to heirs, inheritance has elements namely the existence of heirs, inheritance, and heirs. The heir is the person who inherits the inheritance, the heir is the person who receives the inheritance. Inheritance can be in the form of movable and fixed objects. In this inheritance there are movable objects, namely savings, deposits, and other objects that are stored in SDB Bank. If the heir dies, the heirs need certainty of the inheritance process, and legal protection for the heirs. The disbursement of funds/deposits from customers who have died to legal heirs must be based on the precautionary principle because this is a very risky matter if you are not careful in carrying out the process. Disbursing these funds to legal heirs must be in accordance with statutory regulations. So that this research raises the following problems: 1) What is the procedure for inheritance of heirs' assets stored in the bank? 2) What is the legal protection for the heirs of the customer's assets stored in the Bank? The approach used is juridical empirical. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research obtained are 1) That in order to obtain legal certainty of the heirs' assets in the Bank, a death certificate and a certificate of inheritance (SKW) are urgently needed, and are accompanied by a power of attorney from one of the designated heirs, as well as complementary documents. required by the Bank. 2) Every heir has the right to inherit from the heir, this has been explained in the provisions of the banking legislation, where legal heirs are entitled to obtain information regarding deposits of depositing customers. With the decision from the court, all the rights of the heirs to the heirs' assets stored in the Bank have been protected. Keywords: Legal Protection, Heirs, Inheritance, Bank, Customer 
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Universitas Andalas