Pengaruh Aplikasi Trichoderma Sp. Secara Endotrik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao Klon ICCRI 03 & Sulawesi 01 Asal Perbanyakan OSC
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Politeknik Negeri Jember
Zahra, Siti
154 - Budidaya Pertanian dan Perkebunan 
2024-05-22 01:39:46 
Abstract :
Cocoa plants are a leading plantation commodity in Indonesia which makes a high contribution to the country's economy. Quality cocoa can be obtained with proper maintenance using biological agents, one of which is Trichoderma sp. which can influence photosynthesis so that it can stimulate the growth of cocoa seedlings. In this study, the aim was to determine the effect of phenotype on 2 cocoa clones given Trichoderma sp. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors which were repeated 3 times, the first factor was: ICCRI 03 and Sulawesi, the second factor was treatment without Trichoderma sp., treatment using Trichodema sp. 250g/10 L., treatment using Trichodema sp. 500g/10 L., each consisting of 18 experimental units. The research results showed that giving Trichoderma sp. effect on the growth of cocoa seedlings with Trichoderma sp. a dose of 250 mg/10 L is the best dose with a plant height of 50.23 cm, number of leaves of 10.80 and stem diameter of 82.34 mm. The best clone type treatment was ICCRI 03 clone which produced an average plant height of 49.42 cm, number of leaves 10.72 and stem diameter 82.90 mm. The cocoa clone type treatment had an effect on the growth of cocoa seedlings with the ICCRI 03 clone type producing The average plant height is 49.42 cm, the number of leaves is 10.72 and the stem diameter is 82.90 mm. 
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Politeknik Negeri Jember