Biobriket Dari Sekam Penggilingan Padi Keliling Dengan Penambahan Serbuk Kayu Mahoni Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif
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Politeknik Negeri Jember
Wibowo, Sigit Ari
443 - Teknik Enerji 
2022-01-25 03:39:01 
Abstract :
Biobriquettes are comprised of compressed compounds containing various organic materials such as rice husk which is waste from rice milling. Rice husk has a low heating value so that this research aims to determine the effect of adding mahogany wood powder which has greater heating value against the quality of rice husk biobriquette. The result of this study reveal that the highest heating value obtained a briquette with composition : 20% rice husk and 80% mahogany wood powder was found 4288,51 cal/gr and the worst result gained a briquette with 100% rice husk composition with 3912,87 cal/gr in heating value. These result has a linear trend with ash content test. An opposite result obtained in pressure test, density and ignition time which the briquette with 100% rice husk has greatest value of that test and the briquette with composition : 20% rice husk and 80% mahogany wood powder has worst. This research showed that added of mahogany wood powder increased a quality of husk rice biobriquette. Keywords: Briquette, Rice Husk, Mahogany Wood Powder, Heating Value. 
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Politeknik Negeri Jember