Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Kartika, Wendi
594 Ilmu Administrasi (Niaga, Negara, Publik, Pembangunan, Dll)
2021-08-29 23:38:54
Abstract :
This study aims to determine and analyze effect of quality on the interest of buying of branded
imitation shoes/bags product. This type of research is a type of associative research. Data were
collected in the form of a questionnaire with a non-probability sampling method, namely purposive sampling technique. Samples were taken as many as 100 respondents, namely people who have bought artificial branded imitation shoes/bags product. The results of the descriptive analysis of the quality variable can be seen that the mean average score is 3.78 and is included in the High class category. While the results of the descriptive analysis of the Purchase Interest variable can be seen that the mean average score is 3.63 and is included in the High class category. From the results of the calculation of the significance test of the quality variable, it can be seen that t count 12.865> t table 1.984 with sig 0.000 = 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that quality has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, so that the alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The value of the correlation or relationship (R) is 0.793 and a large R square or the so-called coefficient of determination (KD) is 0.628, which means that quality affects purchase interest by 62.8% and the rest is influenced by other factors which is not discussed in this final project.