Analisa Getaran Pada Bearing Pompa Sentrifugal Untuk Kondisi Monitoring Total View This Week0
Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Hendri, Hendri
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain)
2023-06-13 09:21:20
Abstract :
Centrifugal pumps have a working principle of moving fluid flow from one place
to another. This allows the pump's suppressed power to decrease. Falling pump
performance is often a serious problem and undermines overall system
performance. One indication of the cause of the fall in pump performance is the
effect of vibration on the bearings. This research will analyze the shape of
vibration, by knowing the value of threshold of vibration in accordance with ISO
2372-viberation severity standard. Of the three pumps the 101-P-7-A pump and
the 101-P-4-B pumps have low vibration values of 0.28 - 4.50. While the pump
vibration value of 101-P-5-B has a high vibration value of 7.10 - 11.2.