Abstract :
fast food becomes one of culture, trend and even lifestyle of society. Fast food
increasingly popular has an affordable price, easy and fast in the presentation.
The number of fast-food restaurants to the restaurantto have a variety of diverse
menus as well as efforts for the promotion of word of mouth created. Promotion
by word of mouth is very important as a promotion made by the nearest person to
encourage consumer buyer decisions more effectively. One of the popular fast
food restaurants in Indonesia is KFC. The purpose of this research is to analyze
the influence of menu variation and word of mouth to consumer purchase decision
at KFC fast food restaurant in Palembang. In this study involving 100
respondents taken by using purposive sampling technique. In this study using
multiple regression analysis technique. The results in this study indicate the
existence of variations in menu and word of mouth have a positive and significant
influence on consumer purchasing decisions.
Keyword: menus variation, word of mouth and purchasing decision.