Nafsi, Shohih
Teaching, English Subject
2020-07-08 02:42:29
Abstract :
Shohih Nafsi 2017, Teaching English at the Seventh Grade Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Noor Iman Samarinda in Academic Year 2016/2017. S1 Thesis. Teacher Training and Education faculty. English Education Departmen. State Institute of Islamic studies Samarinda. Advisor: Dra. Sitti Hadijah M.Pd as the first advisor and Dini Irawati, M.Pd as the second advisor.
English is a communication tool for speaking and writing. English is very important for Indonesian students. Especially junior high school students of MTs Noor Iman Samarinda. English subject is taught from the seventh grade to ninth grade. In this research, the researcher observed teaching English at VII-I because that class has 46.7% of students who did not pass criteria for minimum completion in English lesson in English examination. The research objective was to know how teacher select materials, method, and evaluation in teaching English at the seventh grade of MTs Noor Iman Samarinda.
This research subject was the English teacher of class VII-I. The researcher used descriptive data which used in qualitative research. The researcher used interview guide, observation sheet, and documentation as data collection technique. The researcher analyzed data by data reduction, data display, and conclusion.
Result of this research showed that the teacher used specific book and student?s worksheet that used by school and the teacher used materials based on the syllabus and curriculum is used by the school namely KTSP, material from the book was searched from the internet. In teaching method, the teacher only used lecturing, question and answer and discussion method. The students seemed bored when teacher only used those method repeatedly. In evaluation, the teacher only used formative test at the end of learning process, and the teacher said she did not use summative test, was conducted with multiple choice, true-false, essay, completion with adjusting to the material.