The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Method Toward Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text At The Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Samarinda in Academic Year 2016/2017
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Nur, Sahit
Descriptive Text, Mind Mapping Method, Students’ Writing 
2020-07-08 05:10:29 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Sahit Nur 2017, The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Method Toward Students? Writing of Descriptive Text At The Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Samarinda in Academic Year 2016/2017.Thesis. Under Graduate Degree, Education and Teacher Training Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies Samarinda (IAIN) Samarinda. Under Guidance, Dr. Umar Fauzan, M.Pd as the first advisor and Rostanti Toba, M.Pd as the second advisor. English as compulsory subject is aimed at preparing the students to develop science, technology and culture and at making them competent and good Indonesian citizens who are ready to participate in the national development. In education, English has been chosen as one of the subject that should be learned by the students, in junior high school, senior high school and university level. Writing is an important part in English lesson because its activities can give the students a chance to express their personalities, help to consolidate learning in other skill areas, and allow for conscious development of the language mastery. In teaching descriptive text in Junior High School, teachers need various kinds of method in order to increase maximum result for students? writing. One of the method that can be used to help student in writing is mind mapping. The researcher conductthis research because mind mapping is concept of map that can help students to describe part of people, animals, and things. The objective of the research is to know whether the students at the second grade of SMP Negeri1 Samarinda taught by using mind mapping technique have better writing achievement in descriptive text than the students who were not taught by using mind mapping. This research is quantitative research, by using experimental design (pretest posttest control group design) which used two classes as the research objects which divided as an experiment class by applying mind mapping in teaching descriptive writing and the other one as a controlled class without using the method as in the experiment class. The subject of the research consist60 students, were divided into 2 classes, the experimental class consist30 students and the control class consist30 studentstoo. In this research the researcher took two classes as sample taken randomly. The instrument that was used to collect the data is test. The test that used should pass the validity and reliability test to know whether the test could be used to collect the data. The research findings of this study showed that using mind mapping can be able to help the students become easier in understanding the materials. The result of this research shows that the mean score of experimental class was 13,1, while the mean score of control class was 76,8. The mean of experimental class was higher than control class. On the other hand, based on the analysis of t-test shows that t-value (4,92) is higher than t-table (2.045) with the level of significance at 5%. Therefore, the Alternative Hyposthesis (Ha) is accepted and Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This result means that students who taught by using mind mapping have a better achievement in teaching descriptive text than the students who are not taught by using mind mapping at second grade of SMP Negeri 1 Samarinda. 

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