Abstract :
SITI HARDIANTI. B.1510450. physicochemical and organoleptic
characteristics of hanjeli rice (Coix Lacryma Jobi-L ) and Bogor beans (Vigna
Subterranea (L.) Verdcourt). Supervised by Lia Amalia and Siti Aminah.
Snack bar is a light meal in the form of a bar which is usually made from
cereals, nuts, and to add nutritional value and flavor is added to the fruits formed
by bars with sugar binders. In this study snack bars were made using hanjeli rice
and bogor beans with melted chocolate bar binders and cocoa butter added.This
study aims to determine the effect of comparison Hanjeli rice and Bogor beans
with the addition of cocoa butter in 10g and 20g binders to the resulting snack bar.
This research uses a completely factorial completely randomized design (CRD).
The first factor is the ratio of the concentration of hanjeli rice and Bogor beans
(A) which consists of three levels of treatment, namely 50: 50, 60: 40, 70: 30 and
the second factor is cocoa butter on the binder (B) which consists of two treatment
levels, namely 10g and 20g with 2 replications. Analysis of the data used is the
ANOVA test and Duncan's advanced test. Analysis of the products used include
organoleptic tests (sensory and hedonic quality), proximate analysis (water
content, ash content, protein content, and fat content) to determine nutrient
content and energy / calorific value. The selected snack bar is tested for hardness
with a texture analyzer. The selected snack bar is an A1B2 formulation consisting
of 50g, hanjeli rice, 50g Bogor beans with cocoa butter 20g, has a hardness value
of 2633.67g / mm / s, a moisture content of 2,24%, ash content of 2,44%, protein
content 18,19%, fat content 34,76%, carbohydrate content 42,38%, and energy
value 555,10 Kcal / 100gram.
Key words : Hanjeli rice, bogor beans, cocoa butter, snack bar